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Do investors need to pay taxes and does consumption taxes are one of tax ?. The answer to both the questions is a “yes”. Investor understands that they have to pay consumption taxes because it is the tax levied on purchased goods and service. The federal government taxes are not only income for the investors but are also a capitalized income. Consumption taxes usually refers to the systematic taxing procedure in which people have to pay tax based on how much they have consumed rather than how much they have added on to the economy.

The different procedures of taxes are levied on the investors. The tax can be levied based on capital gains, interest, and dividends.

The VAT is levied each time based on the gross margin at every point of producing, distributing, and selling the item. It is collected at every stage right from the initial production to the ending point of the sale. The VAT is paid based on the cost of the product that has already been taxed at the earlier stage. VAT (Value added tax) is a type of consumer tax) is a type of consumption tax. Gains and losses also can arrive from investment sales. The investors have to pay taxes on the sales of investments as soon as received again.

The VAT that is levied on the investors, is can generally be based on the profit u earn. For example – A taxpayer investor makes a profit after selling a stock at either 15 or 22%, the can keep the share for more than a year or at a regular ordinary tax amount. There are different amount of VAT that needs to be paid in “capital gain taxes” and there are differences for “taxes for dividends”. “Long term capital profit/gains” taxes are levied on profits from a possession that is mostly an “asset” for more than a year or longer. On the other “Short term Capital /gains” are tax profits gained from a preserved asset for a year or less than that.  Both the taxes shows that there are provisions for investors to pay their “VAT” which again answers the question “Do investors care for consumer taxes?”. The answer to that is keeping all the short and long-term market evidenced fact “yes”.

There are taxes that are levied on the dividends that are also divided or are categorized into two sections. The dividends are mostly seen as a very taxable income. The types are qualified ‘non-qualified’ and ‘qualified dividends’. Non-qualified dividends have an equal tax amount as the regular taxable amount. On the other hand, qualified dividends depend more on the taxable amount. The capital gains are more responsible for the amount payable for the tax keeping in mind the real market scenario.

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