Tips On How To Write A Marketing Email

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In only a few years, email marketing has gone a long way. But you know what’s sort of amusing with all of the fancy new features marketers are utilizing? A well-written, plain-text email can outperform a professionally designed email with a slew of bells and whistles. This truth, regardless of how appealing your marketing emails look, if they lacked well-written content, your readers will stop opening and start deleting them. So, how can you design an effective marketing email? It all boils down to a few copywriting best practices that you should use for both your message’s subject line and the message content itself.

How to Write an Effective Subject Line: 

Producing a good subject line is an important part of writing effective email text. The subject line is your email’s gatekeeper: no one gets to read your fantastic email text if they aren’t intrigued enough to open it in the first place.

1. Use actionable language: Utilizing actionable language in email subject lines does not always imply using verbs, but it definitely helps. However, there are methods to employ actionable language without relying on verbs, giving you greater leeway with wording.  The key is to use wording that makes it obvious to the recipient what they can do with the information in the email if they choose to open it.

2. Prioritize clarity first, and then consider “catchiness”: Create a subject line that is both clear and catchy. Clarity should always be your top focus when writing marketing content. If you can make it catchy, hilarious, adorable, whimsical, or whatever after you’ve written a clear subject line, go for it. However, clarity should never be sacrificed for entertainment value. Some of these subject lines will either make the recipients laugh or will pique your attention. When you open the email, though, it is always very apparent what you will get.

How to Send an Email: You now have your audience’s entire focus on the content of your email message, thanks to your excellent email subject line. So, how can you write a copy that will entice them to click? Here are the key elements you should be aware of.

3. Determine relevance: Just as the email subject line should try for relevancy via personalization, so should the text of the email message. Again, a dynamic name tag for your email message isn’t enough to persuade readers that what’s within is important to them. So, at the very start of the email, describe how you know each other.

4. Focus on advantages rather than features: You understand the worth of your email. But does your intended recipient? No way, not yet. And it is your responsibility to explain it. The issue is that many emails just explain the feature being offered, not the value. Examine the text in two different e-commerce emails I’ve received. Which one is emphasizing the feature, and which is emphasizing the benefit?

5. Be simple: One of the most common errors that email copywriters make is attempting to fit the complete tale within the email message. Consider the last time you opened a marketing email in your inbox. Do you go through each and every word? Most likely not. It’s more probable that you’ll scan for key aspects so you can get a sense of the overall message and determine whether or not to take action. So, if you send an email with hundreds of words of content, you’re making it much more difficult for receivers to determine whether or not to click through since they can’t rapidly sift through all of the information in your email.


A well-written, plain-text email can outperform a professionally designed, bells and whistles-laden email. When developing marketing material, keep clarity in mind at all times. Some of these subject lines may make the recipients giggle, while others will spark your interest. Sending an email containing hundreds of words of the material makes it more difficult for receivers to quickly sort through.

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